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Agents of Discovery Now Available in Three Port Orange Parks

Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 11:50AM

Agents of Discovery Now Available in Three Port Orange Parks

Port Orange Parks & Recreation and Agent Rec Man invite you to experience Port Orange parks in a whole new way! Agents of Discovery is an augmented reality, geo-triggered app that gets you outside, active, and engaged in the world. You become a top secret agent dedicated to solving the mysteries of science, culture, technology, and nature.

The missions will rotate parks quarterly, with three available at a time. Download the app from Google Play or the App Store and visit one of the active parks to get started. You need to be on site to play, so get outside and explore with your children and friends.

When you complete your mission at each park, visit the REC (the city's recently renovated recreation center) at 4655 City Center Circle for a park pin. Complete all three parks to earn your Port Orange Explorer Patch, and keep going as the parks rotate to complete all 6 and level up to Expert Explorer!

Agents of Discovery Now Available in Three Port Orange Parks

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