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4 Tips To Lower Your Electric Bill This Summer!

Fri, May 05, 2017 at 7:05AM


In Florida, the weather can be brutal… especially in the summer! Here are some tips to make sure that you don’t break the bank keeping your house cool.

  1. Check Your Filter: Make sure you change your filter once a month. Hopefully you are doing this on a regular basis, because clogged air filters can cause bigger problems down the road for your air conditioner. Even if it doesn’t break down, an unchanged air filter means that your air-conditioning unit will work harder and run longer… which makes your energy bill increase.
  2. Vacation Settings:  Set your thermostat to 82-85 degrees on “auto” mode to save the most energy and don’t worry about running your fans because the air conditioning unit will circulate the air for you.
  3. Keep An Eye On Freon Levels: Did you lower your air conditioner and it is still warm in your home? Your a/c might be low on freon. Don’t just keep messing with the temperature! Call Kone's Kool Air & Heating at 386-527-2484 to get it checked out. You don’t want to waste electricity and risk damaging your a/c unit.
  4. Regular Check-ups: Make sure your a/c system is serviced 2 times a year. The best deal out there is for $129/ year. This gets you a maintenance agreement with Kone’s Kool Air & Heating which includes 2 tune ups a year and 10% off any repairs needed during the year.

Almost half of your home’s energy use is from heating and cooling down your home, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. So don’t make simple mistakes that you can easily prevent. Use these 4 tips to effortlessly lower your electric bill and call 386-527-2484 for help with any of your air conditioning needs! Kone’s Kool Air & Heating serves all of Volusia County with over 20 years experience.

For more information about Kone's Kool Air & Heating, and your FREE Coupons...Click Here!

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